
Async client for the Overpass API.

Release Notes



There are three basic steps to fetch the spatial data you need:

  1. Formulate a query

    • Either write your own custom query, f.e. Query("node(5369192667); out;"),
    • or use one of the Query subclasses, f.e. SingleRouteQuery(relation_id=1643324).
  2. Call the Overpass API

    • Prepare your client with client = Client(user_agent=...).
    • Use await client.run_query(query) to fetch the result set.
  3. Collect results

    • Either access the raw result dictionaries with query.result_set,
    • or use a collector, f.e. collect_elements(query) to get a list of typed Elements.
    • Collectors are often specific to queries - collect_routes requires a RouteQuery, for instance.

Example: looking up a building in Hamburg

a) Results as Dictionaries

You may use the .result_set property to get a list of all query results without any extra processing:

from aio_overpass import Client, Query

query = Query('way["addr:housename"=Elbphilharmonie]; out geom;')

client = Client()

await client.run_query(query)

          "type": "way",
          "id": 24981342,
          # ...
          "tags": {
              "addr:city": "Hamburg",
              "addr:country": "DE",
              "addr:housename": "Elbphilharmonie",
              # ...

b) Results as Objects

This will give you a user-friendly Python interface for nodes, ways, and relations. Here we use the .tags property:

from aio_overpass.element import collect_elements

elems = collect_elements(query)

    "addr:city": "Hamburg",
    "addr:country": "DE",
    "addr:housename": "Elbphilharmonie",
    # ...

c) Results as GeoJSON

The processed elements can also easily be converted to GeoJSON:

import json

json.dumps(elems[0].geojson, indent=4)
    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
    "properties": {
        "id": 24981342,
        "type": "way",
        "tags": {
            "addr:city": "Hamburg",
            "addr:country": "DE",
            "addr:housename": "Elbphilharmonie",
    "bbox": [

Choosing Extras

This library can be installed with a number of optional extras.

  • Install no extras, if you're fine with dict result sets.

  • Install the shapely extra, if you would like the convenience of typed OSM elements. It is also useful if you are interested in elements' geometries, and either already use Shapely, or want a simple way to export GeoJSON.

    • This includes the pt module to make it easier to interact with public transportation routes. Something seemingly trivial like listing the stops of a route can have unexpected pitfalls, since stops can have multiple route members, and may have a range of different tags and roles. This submodule will clean up the relation data for you.
  • Install the networkx extra to enable the pt_ordered module, if you want a route's path as a simple line from A to B. It is hard to do this consistently, mainly because ways are not always ordered, and stop positions might be missing. You can benefit from this submodule if you wish to

    • render a route's path between any two stops
    • measure the route's travelled distance between any two stops
    • validate the order of ways in the relation
    • check if the route relation has gaps
  • Install the joblib extra to speed up pt_ordered.collect_ordered_routes(), which can benefit greatly from parallelization.


  • Geographic point locations are expressed by latitude (lat) and longitude (lon) coordinates.
    • Latitude is given as an angle that ranges from –90° at the south pole to 90° at the north pole, with 0° at the Equator.
    • Longitude is given as an angle ranging from 0° at the Prime Meridian (the line that divides the globe into Eastern and Western hemispheres), to +180° eastward and −180° westward.
    • lat/lon values are floats that are exactly those degrees, just without the ° sign.
  • This might help you remember which coordinate is which:
    • If you think of a world map, usually it’s a rectangle.
    • The long side (the largest side) is the longitude.
    • Longitude is the x-axis, and latitude is the y-axis.
  • Be wary of coordinate order:
    • The Overpass API explicitly names the coordinates: { "lat": 50.2726005, "lon": 10.9521885 }
    • Shapely geometries returned by this library use lat/lon order, which is the order stated by ISO 6709, and seems like the most common order.
    • GeoJSON, on the other hand, uses lon/lat order.
  • OpenStreetMap uses the WGS84 spatial reference system used by the Global Positioning System (GPS).
  • OpenStreetMap node coordinates have seven decimal places, which gives them centimetric precision. However, the position accuracy of GPS data is only about 10m. A reasonable display accuracy could be five places, which is precise to 1.1 metres at the equator.
  • Spatial features that cross the 180th meridian are problematic, since you go from longitude 180.0 to -180.0. Such features usually have their geometries split up, like the area of Russia.
 2Async client for the Overpass API.
 4[Release Notes](
 9import importlib.metadata
10from pathlib import Path
13__version__: str = importlib.metadata.version("aio-overpass")
15# we add this to all modules for pdoc;
16# see
17__docformat__ = "google"
19# we also use __all__ in all modules for pdoc; this lets us control the order
20__all__ = (
21    "__version__",
22    "Client",
23    "ClientError",
24    "Query",
25    "client",
26    "element",  # pyright: ignore[reportUnsupportedDunderAll]
27    "error",
28    "pt",  # pyright: ignore[reportUnsupportedDunderAll]
29    "pt_ordered",  # pyright: ignore[reportUnsupportedDunderAll]
30    "ql",  # pyright: ignore[reportUnsupportedDunderAll]
31    "query",
34from .client import Client
35from .error import ClientError
36from .query import Query
39# extend the module's docstring
40for filename in ("", "", ""):
41    __doc__ += "\n<br>\n"
42    __doc__ += (Path(__file__).parent / "doc" / filename).read_text()
__version__: str = '0.13.1'
class Client:
 79class Client:
 80    """
 81    A client for the Overpass API.
 83    Requests are rate-limited according to the configured number of slots per IP for the specified
 84    API server. By default, queries are retried whenever the server is too busy, or the rate limit
 85    was exceeded. Custom query runners can be used to implement your own retry strategy.
 87    Args:
 88        url: The url of an Overpass API instance. Defaults to the main Overpass API instance.
 89        user_agent: A string used for the User-Agent header. It is good practice to provide a string
 90                    that identifies your application, and includes a way to contact you (f.e. an
 91                    e-mail, or a link to a repository). This is important if you make too many
 92                    requests, or queries that require a lot of resources.
 93        concurrency: The maximum number of simultaneous connections. In practice the amount
 94                     of concurrent queries may be limited by the number of slots it provides for
 95                     each IP.
 96        status_timeout_secs: If set, status requests to the Overpass API will time out after
 97                             this duration in seconds. Defaults to no timeout.
 98        runner: You can provide another query runner if you want to implement your own retry
 99                strategy.
101    References:
102        -
103    """
105    __slots__ = (
106        "_concurrency",
107        "_maybe_session",
108        "_runner",
109        "_status_timeout_secs",
110        "_url",
111        "_user_agent",
112    )
114    def __init__(
115        self,
116        url: str = DEFAULT_INSTANCE,
117        user_agent: str = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT,
118        concurrency: int = 32,
119        status_timeout_secs: float | None = None,
120        runner: QueryRunner | None = None,
121    ) -> None:
122        if concurrency <= 0:
123            msg = "'concurrency' must be > 0"
124            raise ValueError(msg)
125        if status_timeout_secs is not None and status_timeout_secs <= 0.0:
126            msg = "'status_timeout_secs' must be > 0"
127            raise ValueError(msg)
129        self._url = url
130        self._user_agent = user_agent
131        self._concurrency = concurrency
132        self._status_timeout_secs = status_timeout_secs
133        self._runner = runner or DefaultQueryRunner()
135        self._maybe_session: aiohttp.ClientSession | None = None
137    def _session(self) -> aiohttp.ClientSession:
138        """The session used for all requests of this client."""
139        if not self._maybe_session or self._maybe_session.closed:
140            headers = {"User-Agent": self._user_agent}
141            connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=self._concurrency)
142            self._maybe_session = aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers, connector=connector)
144        return self._maybe_session
146    async def close(self) -> None:
147        """Cancel all running queries and close the underlying session."""
148        if self._maybe_session and not self._maybe_session.closed:
149            # do not care if this fails
150            with suppress(CallError):
151                _ = await self.cancel_queries()
153            # is raised when there are still active queries. that's ok
154            with suppress(aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError):
155                await self._maybe_session.close()
157    async def _status(self, timeout: ClientTimeout | None = None) -> "Status":
158        endpoint = urljoin(self._url, "status")
159        timeout = timeout or aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=self._status_timeout_secs)
160        async with (
161            _map_request_error(timeout),
162            self._session().get(url=endpoint, timeout=timeout) as response,
163        ):
164            return await _parse_status(response)
166    async def status(self) -> Status:
167        """
168        Check the current API status.
170        The timeout of this request is configured with the ``status_timeout_secs`` argument.
172        Raises:
173            ClientError: if the status could not be looked up
174        """
175        return await self._status()
177    async def cancel_queries(self, timeout_secs: float | None = None) -> int:
178        """
179        Cancel all running queries.
181        This can be used to terminate runaway queries that prevent you from sending new ones.
183        Returns:
184            the number of terminated queries
186        Raises:
187            ClientError: if the request to cancel queries failed
188        """
189        timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=timeout_secs) if timeout_secs else None
190        headers = {"User-Agent": self._user_agent}
191        endpoint = urljoin(self._url, "kill_my_queries")
193        # use a new session here to get around our concurrency limit
194        async with (
195            aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session,
196            _map_request_error(timeout),
197            session.get(endpoint, timeout=timeout) as response,
198        ):
199            body = await response.text()
200            killed_pids = re.findall("\\(pid (\\d+)\\)", body)
201            return len(set(killed_pids))
203    async def run_query(self, query: Query, *, raise_on_failure: bool = True) -> None:
204        """
205        Send a query to the API, and await its completion.
207        "Running" the query entails acquiring a connection from the pool, the query requests
208        themselves (which may be retried), status requests when the server is busy,
209        and cooldown periods.
211        The query runner is invoked before every try, and once after the last try.
213        To run multiple queries concurrently, wrap the returned coroutines in an ``asyncio`` task,
214        f.e. with ``asyncio.create_task()`` and subsequent ``asyncio.gather()``.
216        Args:
217            query: the query to run on this API instance
218            raise_on_failure: if ``True``, raises ``query.error`` if the query failed
220        Raises:
221            ClientError: when query or status requests fail. If the query was retried, the error
222                         of the last try will be raised. The same exception is also captured in
223                         ``query.error``. Raising can be prevented by setting ``raise_on_failure``
224                         to ``False``.
225            RunnerError: when a call to the query runner raises. This exception is raised
226                         even if ``raise_on_failure` is ``False``, since it is likely an error
227                         that is not just specific to this query.
228        """
229        if query.done:
230            return  # nothing to do
232        if query.nb_tries > 0:
233            query.reset()  # reset failed queries
235        # query runner is invoked before every try, and once after the last try
236        while True:
237            await self._invoke_runner(query, raise_on_failure=raise_on_failure)
238            if query.done:
239                return
240            await self._try_query_once(query)
242    async def _invoke_runner(self, query: Query, *, raise_on_failure: bool) -> None:
243        """
244        Invoke the query runner.
246        Raises:
247            ClientError: if the runner raises ``query.error``
248            ValueError: if the runner raises a different ``ClientError`` than ``query.error``
249            RunnerError: if the runner raises any other exception (which it shouldn't)
250        """
251        try:
252            await self._runner(query)
253        except ClientError as err:
254            if err is not query.error:
255                msg = "query runner raised a ClientError other than 'query.error'"
256                raise ValueError(msg) from err
257            if raise_on_failure:
258                raise
259        except AssertionError:
260            raise
261        except BaseException as err:
262            raise RunnerError(cause=err) from err
264    async def _try_query_once(self, query: Query) -> None:
265        """A single iteration of running a query."""
266        query_mut = query._mutator()
267        query_mut.begin_try()
269        try:
270            await self._cooldown(query)
272            req_timeout = _next_query_req_timeout(query)
274            if and <= 0.0:
275                assert query.run_duration_secs
276                raise GiveupError(kwargs=query.kwargs, after_secs=query.run_duration_secs)
278            query_mut.begin_request()
280  "call api for {query}")
282            async with (
283                _map_request_error(req_timeout),
284                self._session().post(
285                    url=urljoin(self._url, "interpreter"),
286                    data=query._code(),
287                    timeout=req_timeout,
288                ) as response,
289            ):
290                query_mut.succeed_try(
291                    response=await _result_or_raise(response, query.kwargs, query.logger),
292                    response_bytes=response.content.total_bytes,
293                )
295        except CallTimeoutError as err:
296            fail_with: ClientError = err
297            if query.run_timeout_elapsed:
298                assert query.run_duration_secs is not None
299                fail_with = GiveupError(kwargs=query.kwargs, after_secs=query.run_duration_secs)
300            query_mut.fail_try(fail_with)
302        except ClientError as err:
303            query_mut.fail_try(err)
305        finally:
306            query_mut.end_try()
308    async def _cooldown(self, query: Query) -> None:
309        """
310        If the given query failed with ``TOO_MANY_QUERIES``, check for a cooldown period.
312        Raises:
313            ClientError: if the status request to find out the cooldown period fails
314            GiveupError: if the cooldown is longer than the remaining run duration
315        """
316        logger = query.logger
318        if not is_too_many_queries(query.error):
319            return
321        # If this client is running too many queries, we can check the status for a
322        # cooldown period. This request failing is a bit of an edge case.
323        # 'query.error' will be overwritten, which means we will not check for a
324        # cooldown in the next iteration.
325        status = await self._status(timeout=self._next_status_req_timeout(query))
327        if not status.cooldown_secs:
328            return
330        run_duration = query.run_duration_secs
331        assert run_duration
333        if run_timeout := query.run_timeout_secs:
334            remaining = run_timeout - run_duration
336            if status.cooldown_secs > remaining:
337                logger.error(f"give up on {query} due to {status.cooldown_secs:.1f}s cooldown")
338                raise GiveupError(kwargs=query.kwargs, after_secs=run_duration)
340"{query} has cooldown for {status.cooldown_secs:.1f}s")
341        await asyncio.sleep(status.cooldown_secs)
343    def _next_status_req_timeout(self, query: Query) -> aiohttp.ClientTimeout:
344        """Status request timeout; possibly limited by either the run or status timeout settings."""
345        remaining = None
347        run_duration = query.run_duration_secs
348        assert run_duration
350        if run_timeout := query.run_timeout_secs:
351            remaining = run_timeout - run_duration
353            if remaining <= 0.0:
354                raise GiveupError(kwargs=query.kwargs, after_secs=run_duration)
356            if self._status_timeout_secs:
357                remaining = min(remaining, self._status_timeout_secs)  # cap timeout if configured
359        return aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=remaining)

A client for the Overpass API.

Requests are rate-limited according to the configured number of slots per IP for the specified API server. By default, queries are retried whenever the server is too busy, or the rate limit was exceeded. Custom query runners can be used to implement your own retry strategy.

  • url: The url of an Overpass API instance. Defaults to the main Overpass API instance.
  • user_agent: A string used for the User-Agent header. It is good practice to provide a string that identifies your application, and includes a way to contact you (f.e. an e-mail, or a link to a repository). This is important if you make too many requests, or queries that require a lot of resources.
  • concurrency: The maximum number of simultaneous connections. In practice the amount of concurrent queries may be limited by the number of slots it provides for each IP.
  • status_timeout_secs: If set, status requests to the Overpass API will time out after this duration in seconds. Defaults to no timeout.
  • runner: You can provide another query runner if you want to implement your own retry strategy.
Client( url: str = '', user_agent: str = 'aio-overpass/0.13.1 (', concurrency: int = 32, status_timeout_secs: float | None = None, runner: aio_overpass.query.QueryRunner | None = None)
114    def __init__(
115        self,
116        url: str = DEFAULT_INSTANCE,
117        user_agent: str = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT,
118        concurrency: int = 32,
119        status_timeout_secs: float | None = None,
120        runner: QueryRunner | None = None,
121    ) -> None:
122        if concurrency <= 0:
123            msg = "'concurrency' must be > 0"
124            raise ValueError(msg)
125        if status_timeout_secs is not None and status_timeout_secs <= 0.0:
126            msg = "'status_timeout_secs' must be > 0"
127            raise ValueError(msg)
129        self._url = url
130        self._user_agent = user_agent
131        self._concurrency = concurrency
132        self._status_timeout_secs = status_timeout_secs
133        self._runner = runner or DefaultQueryRunner()
135        self._maybe_session: aiohttp.ClientSession | None = None
async def close(self) -> None:
146    async def close(self) -> None:
147        """Cancel all running queries and close the underlying session."""
148        if self._maybe_session and not self._maybe_session.closed:
149            # do not care if this fails
150            with suppress(CallError):
151                _ = await self.cancel_queries()
153            # is raised when there are still active queries. that's ok
154            with suppress(aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError):
155                await self._maybe_session.close()

Cancel all running queries and close the underlying session.

async def status(self) -> aio_overpass.client.Status:
166    async def status(self) -> Status:
167        """
168        Check the current API status.
170        The timeout of this request is configured with the ``status_timeout_secs`` argument.
172        Raises:
173            ClientError: if the status could not be looked up
174        """
175        return await self._status()

Check the current API status.

The timeout of this request is configured with the status_timeout_secs argument.

  • ClientError: if the status could not be looked up
async def cancel_queries(self, timeout_secs: float | None = None) -> int:
177    async def cancel_queries(self, timeout_secs: float | None = None) -> int:
178        """
179        Cancel all running queries.
181        This can be used to terminate runaway queries that prevent you from sending new ones.
183        Returns:
184            the number of terminated queries
186        Raises:
187            ClientError: if the request to cancel queries failed
188        """
189        timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=timeout_secs) if timeout_secs else None
190        headers = {"User-Agent": self._user_agent}
191        endpoint = urljoin(self._url, "kill_my_queries")
193        # use a new session here to get around our concurrency limit
194        async with (
195            aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session,
196            _map_request_error(timeout),
197            session.get(endpoint, timeout=timeout) as response,
198        ):
199            body = await response.text()
200            killed_pids = re.findall("\\(pid (\\d+)\\)", body)
201            return len(set(killed_pids))

Cancel all running queries.

This can be used to terminate runaway queries that prevent you from sending new ones.


the number of terminated queries

  • ClientError: if the request to cancel queries failed
async def run_query( self, query: Query, *, raise_on_failure: bool = True) -> None:
203    async def run_query(self, query: Query, *, raise_on_failure: bool = True) -> None:
204        """
205        Send a query to the API, and await its completion.
207        "Running" the query entails acquiring a connection from the pool, the query requests
208        themselves (which may be retried), status requests when the server is busy,
209        and cooldown periods.
211        The query runner is invoked before every try, and once after the last try.
213        To run multiple queries concurrently, wrap the returned coroutines in an ``asyncio`` task,
214        f.e. with ``asyncio.create_task()`` and subsequent ``asyncio.gather()``.
216        Args:
217            query: the query to run on this API instance
218            raise_on_failure: if ``True``, raises ``query.error`` if the query failed
220        Raises:
221            ClientError: when query or status requests fail. If the query was retried, the error
222                         of the last try will be raised. The same exception is also captured in
223                         ``query.error``. Raising can be prevented by setting ``raise_on_failure``
224                         to ``False``.
225            RunnerError: when a call to the query runner raises. This exception is raised
226                         even if ``raise_on_failure` is ``False``, since it is likely an error
227                         that is not just specific to this query.
228        """
229        if query.done:
230            return  # nothing to do
232        if query.nb_tries > 0:
233            query.reset()  # reset failed queries
235        # query runner is invoked before every try, and once after the last try
236        while True:
237            await self._invoke_runner(query, raise_on_failure=raise_on_failure)
238            if query.done:
239                return
240            await self._try_query_once(query)

Send a query to the API, and await its completion.

"Running" the query entails acquiring a connection from the pool, the query requests themselves (which may be retried), status requests when the server is busy, and cooldown periods.

The query runner is invoked before every try, and once after the last try.

To run multiple queries concurrently, wrap the returned coroutines in an asyncio task, f.e. with asyncio.create_task() and subsequent asyncio.gather().

  • query: the query to run on this API instance
  • raise_on_failure: if True, raises query.error if the query failed
  • ClientError: when query or status requests fail. If the query was retried, the error of the last try will be raised. The same exception is also captured in query.error. Raising can be prevented by setting raise_on_failure to False.
  • RunnerError: when a call to the query runner raises. This exception is raised even if raise_on_failure` isFalse``, since it is likely an error that is not just specific to this query.
class ClientError(builtins.Exception):
59class ClientError(Exception):
60    """Base exception for failed Overpass API requests and queries."""
62    @property
63    def should_retry(self) -> bool:
64        """Returns ``True`` if it's worth retrying when encountering this error."""
65        return False

Base exception for failed Overpass API requests and queries.

should_retry: bool
62    @property
63    def should_retry(self) -> bool:
64        """Returns ``True`` if it's worth retrying when encountering this error."""
65        return False

Returns True if it's worth retrying when encountering this error.

Inherited Members
class Query:
 59class Query:
 60    """
 61    State of a query that is either pending, running, successful, or failed.
 63    Args:
 64        input_code: The input Overpass QL code. Note that some settings might be changed
 65                    by query runners, notably the 'timeout' and 'maxsize' settings.
 66        logger: The logger to use for all logging output related to this query.
 67        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that can be used to identify queries.
 69    References:
 70        -
 71    """
 73    __slots__ = (
 74        "_error",
 75        "_input_code",
 76        "_kwargs",
 77        "_last_timeout_secs_used",
 78        "_logger",
 79        "_max_timeout_secs_exceeded",
 80        "_nb_tries",
 81        "_request_timeout",
 82        "_response",
 83        "_response_bytes",
 84        "_run_timeout_secs",
 85        "_settings",
 86        "_time_end_try",
 87        "_time_start",
 88        "_time_start_req",
 89        "_time_start_try",
 90    )
 92    def __init__(self, input_code: str, logger: logging.Logger = _NULL_LOGGER, **kwargs) -> None:
 93        self._input_code = input_code
 94        """the original given overpass ql code"""
 96        self._logger = logger
 97        """logger to use for this query"""
 99        self._kwargs = kwargs
100        """used to identify this query"""
102        self._settings = dict(_SETTING_PATTERN.findall(input_code))
103        """all overpass ql settings [k:v];"""
105        self._settings["out"] = "json"
107        if "maxsize" not in self._settings:
108            self._settings["maxsize"] = DEFAULT_MAXSIZE_MIB * 1024 * 1024
110        if "timeout" not in self._settings:
111            self._settings["timeout"] = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS
113        self._run_timeout_secs: float | None = None
114        """total time limit for running this query"""
116        self._request_timeout: RequestTimeout = RequestTimeout()
117        """config for request timeouts"""
119        self._error: ClientError | None = None
120        """error of the last try, or None"""
122        self._response: dict | None = None
123        """response JSON as a dict, or None"""
125        self._response_bytes = 0.0
126        """number of bytes in a response, or zero"""
128        self._nb_tries = 0
129        """number of tries so far, starting at zero"""
131        self._time_start: _Instant | None = None
132        """time prior to executing the first try"""
134        self._time_start_try: _Instant | None = None
135        """time prior to executing the most recent try"""
137        self._time_start_req: _Instant | None = None
138        """time prior to executing the most recent try's query request"""
140        self._time_end_try: _Instant | None = None
141        """time the most recent try finished"""
143        self._last_timeout_secs_used: int | None = None
144        """the last used 'timeout' setting"""
146        self._max_timeout_secs_exceeded: int | None = None
147        """the largest 'timeout' setting that was exceeded in a try of this query"""
149    def reset(self) -> None:
150        """Reset the query to its initial state, ignoring previous tries."""
151        Query.__init__(self, input_code=self._input_code, **self._kwargs)
153    @property
154    def input_code(self) -> str:
155        """The original input Overpass QL source code."""
156        return self._input_code
158    @property
159    def kwargs(self) -> dict:
160        """
161        Keyword arguments that can be used to identify queries.
163        The default query runner will log these values when a query is run.
164        """
165        return self._kwargs
167    @property
168    def logger(self) -> logging.Logger:
169        """The logger used for logging output related to this query."""
170        return self._logger
172    @property
173    def nb_tries(self) -> int:
174        """Current number of tries."""
175        return self._nb_tries
177    @property
178    def error(self) -> ClientError | None:
179        """
180        Error of the most recent try.
182        Returns:
183            an error or ``None`` if the query wasn't tried or hasn't failed
184        """
185        return self._error
187    @property
188    def response(self) -> dict | None:
189        """
190        The entire JSON response of the query.
192        Returns:
193            the response, or ``None`` if the query has not successfully finished (yet)
194        """
195        return self._response
197    @property
198    def was_cached(self) -> bool | None:
199        """
200        Indicates whether the query result was cached.
202        Returns:
203            ``None`` if the query has not been run yet.
204            ``True`` if the query has a result set with zero tries.
205            ``False`` otherwise.
206        """
207        if self._response is None:
208            return None
209        return self._nb_tries == 0
211    @property
212    def result_set(self) -> list[dict] | None:
213        """
214        The result set of the query.
216        This is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
217        You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt this data, as long as you credit
218        OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon this data, you may
219        distribute the result only under the same licence.
221        Returns:
222            the elements of the result set, or ``None`` if the query has not successfully
223            finished (yet)
225        References:
226            -
227            -
228        """
229        if not self._response:
230            return None
231        return self._response["elements"]
233    @property
234    def response_size_mib(self) -> float | None:
235        """
236        The size of the response in mebibytes.
238        Returns:
239            the size, or ``None`` if the query has not successfully finished (yet)
240        """
241        if self._response is None:
242            return None
243        return self._response_bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0
245    @property
246    def maxsize_mib(self) -> float:
247        """
248        The current value of the [maxsize:*] setting in mebibytes.
250        This size indicates the maximum allowed memory for the query in bytes RAM on the server,
251        as expected by the user. If the query needs more RAM than this value, the server may abort
252        the query with a memory exhaustion. The higher this size, the more probably the server
253        rejects the query before executing it.
254        """
255        return float(self._settings["maxsize"]) // 1024.0 // 1024.0
257    @maxsize_mib.setter
258    def maxsize_mib(self, value: float) -> None:
259        if value <= 0.0:
260            msg = "maxsize_mib must be > 0.0"
261            raise ValueError(msg)
262        self._settings["maxsize"] = int(value * 1024.0 * 1024.0)
264    @property
265    def timeout_secs(self) -> int:
266        """
267        The current value of the [timeout:*] setting in seconds.
269        This duration is the maximum allowed runtime for the query in seconds, as expected by the
270        user. If the query runs longer than this time, the server may abort the query. The higher
271        this duration, the more probably the server rejects the query before executing it.
272        """
273        return int(self._settings["timeout"])
275    @timeout_secs.setter
276    def timeout_secs(self, value: int) -> None:
277        if value < 1:
278            msg = "timeout_secs must be >= 1"
279            raise ValueError(msg)
280        self._settings["timeout"] = value
282    @property
283    def run_timeout_secs(self) -> float | None:
284        """
285        A limit to ``run_duration_secs``, that cancels running the query when exceeded.
287        Defaults to no timeout.
289        The client will raise a ``GiveupError`` if the timeout is reached.
291        Not to be confused with ``timeout_secs``, which is a setting for the Overpass API instance,
292        that limits a single query execution time. Instead, this value can be used to limit the
293        total client-side time spent on this query (see ``Client.run_query``).
294        """
295        return self._run_timeout_secs
297    @run_timeout_secs.setter
298    def run_timeout_secs(self, value: float | None) -> None:
299        if value is not None and value <= 0.0:
300            msg = "run_timeout_secs must be > 0"
301            raise ValueError(msg)
302        self._run_timeout_secs = value
304    @property
305    def run_timeout_elapsed(self) -> bool:
306        """Returns ``True`` if ``run_timeout_secs`` is set and has elapsed."""
307        return (
308            self.run_timeout_secs is not None
309            and self.run_duration_secs is not None
310            and self.run_timeout_secs < self.run_duration_secs
311        )
313    @property
314    def request_timeout(self) -> "RequestTimeout":
315        """Request timeout settings for this query."""
316        return self._request_timeout
318    @request_timeout.setter
319    def request_timeout(self, value: "RequestTimeout") -> None:
320        self._request_timeout = value
322    def _code(self) -> str:
323        # TODO doc
324        # TODO refactor? this function might do a bit too much
325        # TODO needs tests
326        settings_copy = self._settings.copy()
328        max_timeout = settings_copy["timeout"]
330        # if a run timeout is set, the remaining time is the max query timeout we will use
331        if (time_max := self.run_timeout_secs) and (time_so_far := self.run_duration_secs):
332            max_timeout = math.ceil(time_max - time_so_far)
333            if max_timeout <= 0:
334                raise GiveupError(kwargs=self.kwargs, after_secs=time_so_far)
336        # if we already had a query that exceeded a timeout that is >= that max timeout,
337        # we might as well give up already
338        if (min_needed := self._max_timeout_secs_exceeded) and min_needed >= max_timeout:
339            self._logger.error(f"give up on {self} since query will likely time out")
340            raise GiveupError(kwargs=self.kwargs, after_secs=self.run_duration_secs or 0.0)
342        # pick the timeout we will use for the next try
343        next_timeout_secs_used = min(settings_copy["timeout"], max_timeout)
345        # log if had to override the timeout setting with "max_timeout"
346        if next_timeout_secs_used != settings_copy["timeout"]:
347            settings_copy["timeout"] = next_timeout_secs_used
348  "adjust timeout to {next_timeout_secs_used}s")
350        # update the used timeout in state
351        self._last_timeout_secs_used = next_timeout_secs_used
353        # remove the original settings statement
354        code = _SETTING_PATTERN.sub("", self._input_code)
356        # put the adjusted settings in front
357        settings = "".join((f"[{k}:{v}]" for k, v in settings_copy.items())) + ";"
358        return f"{settings}\n{code}"
360    @property
361    def cache_key(self) -> str:
362        """
363        Hash QL code, and return its digest as hexadecimal string.
365        The default query runner uses this as cache key.
366        """
367        # Remove the original settings statement
368        code = _SETTING_PATTERN.sub("", self._input_code)
369        hasher = hashlib.blake2b(digest_size=8)
370        hasher.update(code.encode("utf-8"))
371        return hasher.hexdigest()
373    @property
374    def done(self) -> bool:
375        """Returns ``True`` if the result set was received."""
376        return self._response is not None
378    @property
379    def request_duration_secs(self) -> float | None:
380        """
381        How long it took to fetch the result set in seconds.
383        This is the duration starting with the API request, and ending once
384        the result is written to this query object. Although it depends on how busy
385        the API instance is, this can give some indication of how long a query takes.
387        Returns:
388            the duration or ``None`` if there is no result set yet, or when it was cached.
389        """
390        if self._response is None or self.was_cached:
391            return None
393        assert self._time_end_try is not None
394        assert self._time_start_req is not None
396        return self._time_end_try - self._time_start_req
398    @property
399    def run_duration_secs(self) -> float | None:
400        """
401        The total required time for this query in seconds (so far).
403        Returns:
404            the duration or ``None`` if there is no result set yet, or when it was cached.
405        """
406        if self._time_start is None:
407            return None
409        if self._time_end_try:
410            return self._time_end_try - self._time_start
412        return self._time_start.elapsed_secs_since
414    @property
415    def api_version(self) -> str | None:
416        """
417        The Overpass API version used by the queried instance.
419        Returns:
420            f.e. ``"Overpass API 7d656e78"``, or ``None`` if the query
421            has not successfully finished (yet)
423        References:
424            -
425        """
426        if self._response is None:
427            return None
429        return self._response["generator"]
431    @property
432    def timestamp_osm(self) -> datetime | None:
433        """
434        All OSM edits that have been uploaded before this date are included.
436        It can take a couple of minutes for changes to the database to show up in the
437        Overpass API query results.
439        Returns:
440            the timestamp, or ``None`` if the query has not successfully finished (yet)
441        """
442        if self._response is None:
443            return None
445        date_str = self._response["osm3s"]["timestamp_osm_base"]
446        return datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").astimezone(timezone.utc)
448    @property
449    def timestamp_areas(self) -> datetime | None:
450        """
451        All area data edits that have been uploaded before this date are included.
453        If the query involves area data processing, this is the date of the latest edit
454        that has been considered in the most recent batch run of the area generation.
456        Returns:
457            the timestamp, or ``None`` if the query has not successfully finished (yet), or
458            if it does not involve area data processing.
459        """
460        if self._response is None:
461            return None
463        date_str = self._response["osm3s"].get("timestamp_areas_base")
464        if not date_str:
465            return None
467        return datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").astimezone(timezone.utc)
469    @property
470    def copyright(self) -> str:
471        """A copyright notice that comes with the result set."""
472        if self._response is None:
473            return _COPYRIGHT
475        return self._response["osm3s"].get("copyright") or _COPYRIGHT
477    def __str__(self) -> str:
478        query = f"query{self.kwargs!r}"
480        size = self.response_size_mib
481        time_request = self.request_duration_secs
482        time_total = self.run_duration_secs
484        if self.nb_tries == 0:
485            details = "pending"
486        elif self.done:
487            if self.nb_tries == 1:
488                details = f"done - {size:.01f}mb in {time_request:.01f}s"
489            else:
490                details = f"done after {time_total:.01f}s - {size:.01f}mb in {time_request:.01f}s"
491        else:
492            t = "try" if self.nb_tries == 1 else "tries"
493            details = f"failing after {self.nb_tries} {t}, {time_total:.01f}s"
495        return f"{query} ({details})"
497    def __repr__(self) -> str:
498        cls_name = type(self).__name__
500        details = {
501            "kwargs": self._kwargs,
502            "done": self.done,
503        }
505        if self.nb_tries == 0 or self.error:
506            details["tries"] = self.nb_tries
508        if self.error:
509            details["error"] = type(self.error).__name__
511        if self.done:
512            details["response_size"] = f"{self.response_size_mib:.02f}mb"
514            if not self.was_cached:
515                details["request_duration"] = f"{self.request_duration_secs:.02f}s"
517        if self.nb_tries > 0:
518            details["run_duration"] = f"{self.run_duration_secs:.02f}s"
520        details_str = ", ".join((f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in details.items()))
522        return f"{cls_name}({details_str})"
524    def _mutator(self) -> "_QueryMutator":
525        return _QueryMutator(self)

State of a query that is either pending, running, successful, or failed.

  • input_code: The input Overpass QL code. Note that some settings might be changed by query runners, notably the 'timeout' and 'maxsize' settings.
  • logger: The logger to use for all logging output related to this query.
  • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that can be used to identify queries.
Query( input_code: str, logger: logging.Logger = <RootLogger root (WARNING)>, **kwargs)
 92    def __init__(self, input_code: str, logger: logging.Logger = _NULL_LOGGER, **kwargs) -> None:
 93        self._input_code = input_code
 94        """the original given overpass ql code"""
 96        self._logger = logger
 97        """logger to use for this query"""
 99        self._kwargs = kwargs
100        """used to identify this query"""
102        self._settings = dict(_SETTING_PATTERN.findall(input_code))
103        """all overpass ql settings [k:v];"""
105        self._settings["out"] = "json"
107        if "maxsize" not in self._settings:
108            self._settings["maxsize"] = DEFAULT_MAXSIZE_MIB * 1024 * 1024
110        if "timeout" not in self._settings:
111            self._settings["timeout"] = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS
113        self._run_timeout_secs: float | None = None
114        """total time limit for running this query"""
116        self._request_timeout: RequestTimeout = RequestTimeout()
117        """config for request timeouts"""
119        self._error: ClientError | None = None
120        """error of the last try, or None"""
122        self._response: dict | None = None
123        """response JSON as a dict, or None"""
125        self._response_bytes = 0.0
126        """number of bytes in a response, or zero"""
128        self._nb_tries = 0
129        """number of tries so far, starting at zero"""
131        self._time_start: _Instant | None = None
132        """time prior to executing the first try"""
134        self._time_start_try: _Instant | None = None
135        """time prior to executing the most recent try"""
137        self._time_start_req: _Instant | None = None
138        """time prior to executing the most recent try's query request"""
140        self._time_end_try: _Instant | None = None
141        """time the most recent try finished"""
143        self._last_timeout_secs_used: int | None = None
144        """the last used 'timeout' setting"""
146        self._max_timeout_secs_exceeded: int | None = None
147        """the largest 'timeout' setting that was exceeded in a try of this query"""
def reset(self) -> None:
149    def reset(self) -> None:
150        """Reset the query to its initial state, ignoring previous tries."""
151        Query.__init__(self, input_code=self._input_code, **self._kwargs)

Reset the query to its initial state, ignoring previous tries.

input_code: str
153    @property
154    def input_code(self) -> str:
155        """The original input Overpass QL source code."""
156        return self._input_code

The original input Overpass QL source code.

kwargs: dict
158    @property
159    def kwargs(self) -> dict:
160        """
161        Keyword arguments that can be used to identify queries.
163        The default query runner will log these values when a query is run.
164        """
165        return self._kwargs

Keyword arguments that can be used to identify queries.

The default query runner will log these values when a query is run.

logger: logging.Logger
167    @property
168    def logger(self) -> logging.Logger:
169        """The logger used for logging output related to this query."""
170        return self._logger

The logger used for logging output related to this query.

nb_tries: int
172    @property
173    def nb_tries(self) -> int:
174        """Current number of tries."""
175        return self._nb_tries

Current number of tries.

error: ClientError | None
177    @property
178    def error(self) -> ClientError | None:
179        """
180        Error of the most recent try.
182        Returns:
183            an error or ``None`` if the query wasn't tried or hasn't failed
184        """
185        return self._error

Error of the most recent try.


an error or None if the query wasn't tried or hasn't failed

response: dict | None
187    @property
188    def response(self) -> dict | None:
189        """
190        The entire JSON response of the query.
192        Returns:
193            the response, or ``None`` if the query has not successfully finished (yet)
194        """
195        return self._response

The entire JSON response of the query.


the response, or None if the query has not successfully finished (yet)

was_cached: bool | None
197    @property
198    def was_cached(self) -> bool | None:
199        """
200        Indicates whether the query result was cached.
202        Returns:
203            ``None`` if the query has not been run yet.
204            ``True`` if the query has a result set with zero tries.
205            ``False`` otherwise.
206        """
207        if self._response is None:
208            return None
209        return self._nb_tries == 0

Indicates whether the query result was cached.


None if the query has not been run yet. True if the query has a result set with zero tries. False otherwise.

result_set: list[dict] | None
211    @property
212    def result_set(self) -> list[dict] | None:
213        """
214        The result set of the query.
216        This is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
217        You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt this data, as long as you credit
218        OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon this data, you may
219        distribute the result only under the same licence.
221        Returns:
222            the elements of the result set, or ``None`` if the query has not successfully
223            finished (yet)
225        References:
226            -
227            -
228        """
229        if not self._response:
230            return None
231        return self._response["elements"]

The result set of the query.

This is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt this data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon this data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence.


the elements of the result set, or None if the query has not successfully finished (yet)

response_size_mib: float | None
233    @property
234    def response_size_mib(self) -> float | None:
235        """
236        The size of the response in mebibytes.
238        Returns:
239            the size, or ``None`` if the query has not successfully finished (yet)
240        """
241        if self._response is None:
242            return None
243        return self._response_bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0

The size of the response in mebibytes.


the size, or None if the query has not successfully finished (yet)

maxsize_mib: float
245    @property
246    def maxsize_mib(self) -> float:
247        """
248        The current value of the [maxsize:*] setting in mebibytes.
250        This size indicates the maximum allowed memory for the query in bytes RAM on the server,
251        as expected by the user. If the query needs more RAM than this value, the server may abort
252        the query with a memory exhaustion. The higher this size, the more probably the server
253        rejects the query before executing it.
254        """
255        return float(self._settings["maxsize"]) // 1024.0 // 1024.0

The current value of the [maxsize:*] setting in mebibytes.

This size indicates the maximum allowed memory for the query in bytes RAM on the server, as expected by the user. If the query needs more RAM than this value, the server may abort the query with a memory exhaustion. The higher this size, the more probably the server rejects the query before executing it.

timeout_secs: int
264    @property
265    def timeout_secs(self) -> int:
266        """
267        The current value of the [timeout:*] setting in seconds.
269        This duration is the maximum allowed runtime for the query in seconds, as expected by the
270        user. If the query runs longer than this time, the server may abort the query. The higher
271        this duration, the more probably the server rejects the query before executing it.
272        """
273        return int(self._settings["timeout"])

The current value of the [timeout:*] setting in seconds.

This duration is the maximum allowed runtime for the query in seconds, as expected by the user. If the query runs longer than this time, the server may abort the query. The higher this duration, the more probably the server rejects the query before executing it.

run_timeout_secs: float | None
282    @property
283    def run_timeout_secs(self) -> float | None:
284        """
285        A limit to ``run_duration_secs``, that cancels running the query when exceeded.
287        Defaults to no timeout.
289        The client will raise a ``GiveupError`` if the timeout is reached.
291        Not to be confused with ``timeout_secs``, which is a setting for the Overpass API instance,
292        that limits a single query execution time. Instead, this value can be used to limit the
293        total client-side time spent on this query (see ``Client.run_query``).
294        """
295        return self._run_timeout_secs

A limit to run_duration_secs, that cancels running the query when exceeded.

Defaults to no timeout.

The client will raise a GiveupError if the timeout is reached.

Not to be confused with timeout_secs, which is a setting for the Overpass API instance, that limits a single query execution time. Instead, this value can be used to limit the total client-side time spent on this query (see Client.run_query).

run_timeout_elapsed: bool
304    @property
305    def run_timeout_elapsed(self) -> bool:
306        """Returns ``True`` if ``run_timeout_secs`` is set and has elapsed."""
307        return (
308            self.run_timeout_secs is not None
309            and self.run_duration_secs is not None
310            and self.run_timeout_secs < self.run_duration_secs
311        )

Returns True if run_timeout_secs is set and has elapsed.

request_timeout: aio_overpass.query.RequestTimeout
313    @property
314    def request_timeout(self) -> "RequestTimeout":
315        """Request timeout settings for this query."""
316        return self._request_timeout

Request timeout settings for this query.

cache_key: str
360    @property
361    def cache_key(self) -> str:
362        """
363        Hash QL code, and return its digest as hexadecimal string.
365        The default query runner uses this as cache key.
366        """
367        # Remove the original settings statement
368        code = _SETTING_PATTERN.sub("", self._input_code)
369        hasher = hashlib.blake2b(digest_size=8)
370        hasher.update(code.encode("utf-8"))
371        return hasher.hexdigest()

Hash QL code, and return its digest as hexadecimal string.

The default query runner uses this as cache key.

done: bool
373    @property
374    def done(self) -> bool:
375        """Returns ``True`` if the result set was received."""
376        return self._response is not None

Returns True if the result set was received.

request_duration_secs: float | None
378    @property
379    def request_duration_secs(self) -> float | None:
380        """
381        How long it took to fetch the result set in seconds.
383        This is the duration starting with the API request, and ending once
384        the result is written to this query object. Although it depends on how busy
385        the API instance is, this can give some indication of how long a query takes.
387        Returns:
388            the duration or ``None`` if there is no result set yet, or when it was cached.
389        """
390        if self._response is None or self.was_cached:
391            return None
393        assert self._time_end_try is not None
394        assert self._time_start_req is not None
396        return self._time_end_try - self._time_start_req

How long it took to fetch the result set in seconds.

This is the duration starting with the API request, and ending once the result is written to this query object. Although it depends on how busy the API instance is, this can give some indication of how long a query takes.


the duration or None if there is no result set yet, or when it was cached.

run_duration_secs: float | None
398    @property
399    def run_duration_secs(self) -> float | None:
400        """
401        The total required time for this query in seconds (so far).
403        Returns:
404            the duration or ``None`` if there is no result set yet, or when it was cached.
405        """
406        if self._time_start is None:
407            return None
409        if self._time_end_try:
410            return self._time_end_try - self._time_start
412        return self._time_start.elapsed_secs_since

The total required time for this query in seconds (so far).


the duration or None if there is no result set yet, or when it was cached.

api_version: str | None
414    @property
415    def api_version(self) -> str | None:
416        """
417        The Overpass API version used by the queried instance.
419        Returns:
420            f.e. ``"Overpass API 7d656e78"``, or ``None`` if the query
421            has not successfully finished (yet)
423        References:
424            -
425        """
426        if self._response is None:
427            return None
429        return self._response["generator"]

The Overpass API version used by the queried instance.


f.e. "Overpass API 7d656e78", or None if the query has not successfully finished (yet)

timestamp_osm: datetime.datetime | None
431    @property
432    def timestamp_osm(self) -> datetime | None:
433        """
434        All OSM edits that have been uploaded before this date are included.
436        It can take a couple of minutes for changes to the database to show up in the
437        Overpass API query results.
439        Returns:
440            the timestamp, or ``None`` if the query has not successfully finished (yet)
441        """
442        if self._response is None:
443            return None
445        date_str = self._response["osm3s"]["timestamp_osm_base"]
446        return datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").astimezone(timezone.utc)

All OSM edits that have been uploaded before this date are included.

It can take a couple of minutes for changes to the database to show up in the Overpass API query results.


the timestamp, or None if the query has not successfully finished (yet)

timestamp_areas: datetime.datetime | None
448    @property
449    def timestamp_areas(self) -> datetime | None:
450        """
451        All area data edits that have been uploaded before this date are included.
453        If the query involves area data processing, this is the date of the latest edit
454        that has been considered in the most recent batch run of the area generation.
456        Returns:
457            the timestamp, or ``None`` if the query has not successfully finished (yet), or
458            if it does not involve area data processing.
459        """
460        if self._response is None:
461            return None
463        date_str = self._response["osm3s"].get("timestamp_areas_base")
464        if not date_str:
465            return None
467        return datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").astimezone(timezone.utc)

All area data edits that have been uploaded before this date are included.

If the query involves area data processing, this is the date of the latest edit that has been considered in the most recent batch run of the area generation.


the timestamp, or None if the query has not successfully finished (yet), or if it does not involve area data processing.

copyright: str
469    @property
470    def copyright(self) -> str:
471        """A copyright notice that comes with the result set."""
472        if self._response is None:
473            return _COPYRIGHT
475        return self._response["osm3s"].get("copyright") or _COPYRIGHT

A copyright notice that comes with the result set.